Getting Started

Getting Started


This @foadonis/secrets library allows you to safely store your environment variable files in your repository by bringing two commands env:encrypt and env:decrypt. It is heavily inspired by the popular framework Laravel.


Install and configure the package using the following command :

node ace add @foadonis/shopkeeper
  1. Installs the @foadonis/secrets package using the detected package manager.

  2. Registers the commands inside the adonisrc.ts file.

    commands: [
    // ...other commands
    () => import('@foadonis/secrets/commands')


You can encrypt your local environment file (.env) by using the env:encrypt command. It will create a new file .env.encrypted

node ace env:encrypt


You can decrypt your local environment file (.env) by using the env:decrypt command. It will create a new file .env.encrypted

node ace env:decrypt

Specific Environment

When encrypting or decrypting, it uses the NODE_ENV variable to select which file to work with. You can use this same variable to select the environment variable file you want to encrypt:

APP_ENV=production node ace env:encrypt
APP_ENV=production node ace env:decrypt

Specific Encryption Key

When encrypting or decrypting, it uses the APP_KEY variable for the encryption process.

APP_KEY=mysupersecurekey node ace env:encrypt
APP_KEY=mysupersecurekey node ace env:decrypt

Under the hood, your files are encrypted using the APP_KEY environment variable. When decrypting a file the variable might not be available (as it might be inside the encrypted file). When it is the case, you have to provide it manually.